The stance the author, Galen Strawson took for their essay is a stance I highly disagree with. We remember our life as a narrative because that is what our lives are. We do not store memories or should not store them as just experiences, but as a chapter in our lives, a part of the narrative. While some may, “doubt that what they are saying is an accurate description of yourself” (Strawson), a narrative that is autobiographical is about how you perceive and see yourself. By perceiving your life as a narrative, you see your life as a journey, as a process with many turns where even they have significance. If we did not perceive our lives as that, we would not see experiences as any lessons where something can be learned. I believe that the author is not wrong, rather misunderstood of the benefit that perceiving your life as a narrative can have. Narratives drive us, they show us where our lives have taken us, and along the way, what we were taught.